This Oman-Birding website is a result of Nick's passion for the people, birds & birdwatching opportunities in this amazing country. After 11 visits his enthusiasm for birding here has grown and grown to the point where he felt that a website of this nature was required, to pool resources, information and knowledge of the other birders & guides he has met over the past few years. Following on from the incredible ground work provided by Jens Eriksen (who has provided invaluable input and advice) & Dave Sergeant, we hope that visiting birders will continue to freely provide their observations, sightings and photos to us and help make this website as current as possible.
Nick has birded extensively in Oman, seeing 300+ species so far, and is the senior tour leader of Zoothera Birding.
To further the usefulness of this website Nick has been able to call upon several other birders/tour guides and utilise their knowledge & experience to help enhance this website. See Nick's Oman Tour here - Oman Birding Adventure and just click on the profile photos below to see our teams other Oman tours.